These are the Shotokan karate terms that we use most often in our lessons.
General Terminology
Jodan | Upper-level (head) |
Chudan | Mid-level (chest) |
Gedan | Lower-level (groin) |
Zuki | Punch |
Uke | Block |
Geri | Kick |
Mawatte | Turn around |
Hajime | Begin |
Yame | Stop |
Yoi | Ready |
Dojo | Classroom |
Gi | Uniform |
Sensei | Teacher |
Kihon | Basics |
Kumite | Sparring |
Japanese Numbers
Ichi | One |
Ni | Two |
San | Three |
Shi (or Yon) | Four |
Go | Five |
Roku | Six |
Shichi | Seven |
Hachi | Eight |
Ku | Nine |
Ju | Ten |
Hachiji-dachi | Ready stance (feet turned slightly inward) |
Zenkutsu-dachi | Front stance |
Kokutsu-dachi | Back stance |
Kiba-dachi | Horse-riding stance |
Punches or strikes
Oi-zuki | Lunging punch |
Choku-zuki | Straight punch |
Gyaku-zuki | Reverse punch |
Kizami-zuki | Jab punch |
Nukite | Knife-hand strike |
Empi | Elbow strike |
Uraken | Back-fist strike |
Tetsui | Hammer-fist strike |
Teisho | Side palm heel strike |
Gedan-barai | Downward block |
Age-uke | Upper rising block |
Soto-uke | Inward mid-level block |
Uchi-uke | Outward mid-level block |
Shuto-uke | Knife-hand block |
Morote-uke | Augmented outward block |
Juji-uke | X block |
Uchi-ude-uke | Inside forearm block |
Mae-geri | Forward snap or thrust kick |
Mawashi-geri | Roundhouse kick |
Keage | Snap kick |
Kekomi | Thrust kick |
Ushiro-geri | Rear thrust kick |
Ushiro-mawashi-geri | Reverse roundhouse kick |
Tobi-geri | Jumping kick |
Ashi-barai | Foot sweep |